Bitss WAP Sofware for database website protection


This product price is a once off for the software price at 195€ for unlimited usage of Bitss WAP on one website domain and includes the support pack for the first year. Thereafter you may continue the support pack on a yearly subscription at 97.50 € if required. The support pack includes continued training, upgrade and support.
Bitss WAP Features:

  • Malicious IP Blocking
  • Customizable Blocking Rules
  • Whitelisting Capability
  • Real-time Activity Monitoring
  • Stop data /client theft, Stops video content theft, Stop intrusion, Stop hacking ransom demands
  • Stop spamming from websites contact page
  • Protect your online revenue and data assets



This product price is a once off price at 195 €  yearly for unlimited usage of Bitss WAP on one website domain and includes the support pack for the first year. Thereafter you may continue the support pack on a yearly subscription at 97.50€ if required. The support pack includes continued training, upgrade and support.

Installation of Bitss WAP software is recommended by Bitss Engineer at 75€ once off fee. Included is backup of your site, saved 1 per month over a 12 month period for ultimate and to avoid overiding copies.

Product Name: Bitss WAP  protecting your online business, its database and client base from hackers, pirates, intrusion and virus attacks.

Bitss WAP empowers you to take control of your website’s security, for its efficacy clients need to follow and apply the bitss process in strict accordance with the Bitss Protocol. Website monitoring 7 days weekly continued is available on option, contact us for mor details

With Bitss WAP cyber security system which includes database access security, database encryption, real-time monitoring, and a powerful WAF, your website is shielded from potential security breaches, intrusion, hackers, database theft, and other attacks. Our proactive approach and user-friendly design cater to businesses of all sizes, providing comprehensive defense against cyber threats.

1 review for Bitss WAP Sofware for database website protection

  1. admin

    125 euros first year only, thereafter to retain support, upgrade and support services only 19.50 euros yearly

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