BFIN SASU Purchase and usage conditions for Bitss cyber security products 

Best Bitss for cost-effective and efficacy in cyber security

Introduction  was researched and created by BFIN Sasu, a French company ( with offices in France and Asia.

Bitss is researched and developed to suit all-size companies and puts effective IT cyber security in reach of all as it is cost-effective and effective. The Bitss Products suit all cyber security needs:
1.) Network security: Bitss N
2.) Dedicated servers:  Bitss S
3.) Websites: Bitss WP for all website protection. Bitss C
4.) Contact page: Bitss C has a contact page with anti-spam protection.
5.) Identification protection: Bitss V in research to stop online IT fraud

The BFIN Head Office (HQ) is in France: BFIN SASU, 8 Rue Dublin, 34200 Sète, France; Registration Number: 535217731; RCS Montpellier; with Sales, support, and technology offices also in Asia.

Note that the BFIN Group does not outsource any technology development.

Bitss products are:

  • Bitss N
  • Bitss N&S
  • Bitss S
  • Bitss WP
  • Bitss C
  • Bitss V

Note: Service bitss are green friendly and are software that is uploaded to the device you want to be protected, including network servers, dedicated servers, and website database administration. The protection can be doubled: uploaded to the server network, access to the database, and each server in the TA network, for example.

BFIN Sasu for Bitss support includes software updates, training, and continued technical support. This is a paid-yearly and cost-effective yearly subscription.

Users may choose not to take the support pack. As Bitss software is a once-off payment, the purchase price is to own a copy of the Bitss software you are buying.

These terms apply to all users. and all the Bitss products.  

A. Bitss usage and guarantees

B. Bitss upgrading 

C. Bitss support and training

D. Bitss prices & payment terms

E. The client’s responsibility

F. Bitss responsibilities 

G. Bitss annaul supports training and upgrading subscriptions

H. Termination of service

I. Cancellation of service by client

J. Your monthly subscription & payment

K. Limitation of liability

L. Ownership, backup & retention of records

M. Disclaimer

N. Third parties

O. The availability of the BFIN service

P. Privacy policy, security, our conditions & applicable law


 A. Bitss usage and guarantees

Bitss cannot guarantee total protection against hackers; it is for each user to take their insurance coverage. And for each user to install all Bitss features for secured total protection. The Bitss cyber security products enforce a certain procedure, Bitss suggests you apply these procedures to ensure Bitss efficiency is in place

Users must survey the bits of usage information about their network, server, WP entry, and hacking attempts to ensure total protection; do this daily at least.

B. Bitss upgrading

Upgrades are essential to counter continuous cyber intruders new technology

C. Bitss support and training

The Bitss is a once-off purchase price for complete ownership. Purchase the Bitss support pack yearly to receive unlimited support, upgrades to your software, and training. The price of support does not exceed 10% of the initial purchase price (except for the Bitss C support pack, which is 1.95€ per year off a purchase price of 7.50€).

Bitss Network purchase price: 3750.00€. Support 375.00€ yr

Bitss S_ purchase price: 195.00€. And 375.00€ for five servers. Support pack 19.50€ yr. {for networks with more than 5 servers The maximum price is a purchase price of 25000€ to secure all servers within the network, and the support fee is 2500.00€ per year.

Bitss S purchase price for one server alone is  195€ per server, decreasing per number of servers. The support pack is 10% of the purchase price. From 19.50 € per server yr

Bitss WP purchase price is 125€ per domain. The support pack is 12.50 euros.

Bitss C purchase price is 7.50€. The support pack is 1.95 euros. On purchase of Bitss WP, Bitss C is included

D. Bitss Prices and payment terms.

Payment is passed on the order prior to downloading the software. With bank transfer payments, accounts are activated to download the software once payment has been received. If payment is fraudulently canceled, the software license will be blocked. If payment is bounced or stopped, the software license will be blocked until payment is successful.

Confirming that the software is sold via a ZIP Folder and is a once-off Purchase Price.

Bitss N = 3759€  for password database protection. and

Bitss N&S with unlimited servers, each a dedicated Bitss 25000€

Bitss S 195€

Bitss WP 125 €

Bitss C 7.50 €

Bitss V (to be announced on termination of research and product licenses): 1.00

Support packs are included in the purchase price and need to be subscribed to starting in the second year, notifying customers of the purchase of the product. If the support pack is subscribing later, the support pack subscribing will be calculated from the start of the second year due to receiving upgrades from that time.

Confirming support pack terms to be taken from the second year of product purchase as it is included in the purchase price and support is yearly. start date is the purchase price date.

support pack includes maintenance service,  upgrades, training, and unlimited support

  • Bitss N: 375€ yr
  • Bitss N&S: 450€ yr for 5 servers.
  • Bitss S: 19.50 €
  • Bitss WP : 12.50€
  • Bitss C: 1.95 €

No sales tax is added for international companies on condition company registration and sales tax numbers are submitted on order. The BFIN SASU will cover the tax with the yearly support pack fee if company and sales tax numbers are not declared at the purchase price. calculation of sales tax claim will be added to the purchase price.

Support Payment must be made 90 days before year-end expiration of service.

E. The client’s responsibilities

We provide the Bitss software, clients must protect it; if they copy and send it to a friend or another, it will not work, and we will block that client’s protection automatically without the possibility of activation and without a fine exceeding the original purchase price.

F. Bitss user access and bits responsibilities

According to compliance regulations, we need to inform you that our Bitss code is protected to protect you. On acquiring Bitss after payment, the system will be explained to you. We advise that under no circumstances should you give the software system to others, as you will be weakening your security and breaching user usage conditions. Bitss cyber security system could pick up copies or intrusions into the support from another source authorized. we will pick up your user ID, block you, and take you to court for legal damages for assisting in pirating. This reactivation is at a huge cost. protect yourself, do not share bitss or your bitss credentials or information with anyone;

Not breaching our standards of security and being involved in cybercrime will bear circumstances when found out by bitss or pieces and penalties imposed by the respective authorities according to standard duties imposed by the Terrorism Act 2000, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Fraud Act 2006, and the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 (the “Anti Money Laundering Legislation”), which are intended to inhibit the activities of terrorists and other criminals by denying them access to technical databases to destroy, hijack, copy, and manipulate.

If you share bitss codes and methods and fail to protect your bitss security system, then your responsibility is vast, thus failing to perform and respect your security regulations and duties to your database, company, and family. You may risk imprisonment, and you will lose your job, all your revenue, and the company that you built up over the years. Bitss protects your assets; use it for that.

Before you use our bitss, we suggest you have honest cyber principles. If not, do not use it; bitss will find you out.

To acquire bitss, we need to obtain “satisfactory evidence” to confirm our identity. In certain circumstances, we may need to obtain evidence confirming the identities of third parties, some of their IT information, the purpose of any instructions, or any other matter. We may also need to obtain further evidence after we have begun to act on your instructions, and the evidence may include searching by electronic means to see if you are a reputed client not trying to steal or copy the bitss of cyber security protection for other than to protect your database.

We assume that our clients are honest and law-abiding. However, if at any time there appear to be grounds to suspect (even if we do not suspect) that your instructions relate to a “criminal IT cyber security breach to harm someone’s database,” we are obliged to make a report to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (“SOCA”), but we are prohibited from telling you that we have done so.

In such circumstances, we must not act on your instructions without consent from SOCA. If SOCA does not refuse consent within 7 working days, we may continue to act. If SOCA issues a refusal within that time, we must not act for another 31 days from the date of the refusal.

“Criminal cyber breaches or security in any legal form, whether stealing databases, client information, hijacking, brand copy illegally, website copycats, and more, rights or any benefit derived from criminal activity. It does not matter who carried out the criminal activity or how or who removed the information from our database; it is an original crime. Even if you are honest in your dealings, if your database is stolen due to your neglect of the bits security code, we must still make a report.

Cyber-illegal activity is considered “criminal” if it is a crime under European law, no matter how trivial, and whether carried out in Europe or abroad. For example, hacking databases, sites, clients’ information, and fake news, which Bitss tries to prevent, is an evasion of someone’s intellectual privacy and is a criminal offense, but an honest mistake is not an offense.

G. Bitss annual support training upgrade subscriptions policy.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, not to accept your subscription if you have breached any of our confounding policies.

You will receive this copy once you have ordered bitss. You are buying bitss to protect your database and to avoid IT security fraud, spam, and more, so get bitss if you want total protection, and total protection is also confidentiality.

This agreement will be subject to international cyber security and commercial law, and the provisions of these terms and conditions shall govern our agreement with you.

H. Termination of service

Bfin Bitss: BFIN SASU reserves the right to terminate the service of the client who does not pay their support subscription on time and commits a breach of these terms and conditions. Note that the product you purchased is yours on the condition that you do not breach its security yourself; if so, your license will be blocked for pirating or giving a copy of bitss to another source. Any termination will be sent in writing via email to the client, giving immediate notice for a security breach and one month’s notice for a non-payment breach. No entry to bitss will be allowed, and the bitss system or support system will be blocked.

You may terminate your support user account at any time with immediate notice, and no refunds are acceptable once paid and you have received the bitss system. You cannot terminate the ownership of the bitss you purchased; you may uninstall the product and re-install the product when you realize Bitss is there for your security.

I. Cancellation of service by client

Clients may remove bitss from their database or cancel their online support account at any time and must ensure immediately within the hour they secure their databases, as bitss will be automatically notified that the license is uninstalled and bitss will place such a license into the archive, and bitss will not work. To re-install the license, the user will need to subscribe to the support pack(s) from the date of the uninstallation of bitss.

No further payment will be taken from the client unless it is too late to stop the direct debit and no refund will be given from fees already charged. Following the cancellation of the support service, “Bitss” cyber security protection (BFIN SASU) will have no further responsibilities about the keeping of any data and will erase everything, meaning access permission to your database for upgrades, Although you may maintain the software purchased and continue to use it for protection, it can be outdated in a few years or less, depending on the evolution of cyber security.

J. Your monthly subscription and payment

Attention Bitss software purchase is once-off; it does not have monthly subscriptions. Only the support pack from the second year is a yearly subscription.

All purchase prices and subscription fees are set out in this document and online on our website, and shall be paid by the client in advance. Prices on our website are quoted in local currency and are exclusive of TVA, GST, and VAT, which is payable on top when applicable. Internationally,  you need a tax number to not pay this tax.

All subscriptions are paid by bank transfer on the due date or card payment, and no payment shall be deemed to have been received until BFIN has received cleared funds.

Bitss is activated allowing you access once payment is received.

K. Limitation of liability

BFIN will not be responsible for any interest, penalties, losses, additional tax liabilities, cyber security infiltration, or database losses that arise due to the omissions of any person connected to the client database.

BFIN will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, or expense incurred if information relating to the client’s user is stolen, and you must be informed immediately about any intrusion to help you, the user, secure your database.

BFIN cannot and does not guarantee or warrant cyber prevention, as clients govern and manage the Bitss product themselves. Clients must use Bitss to be prudent, follow Bitss security pathways, and install all Bitss features, even if it is time-consuming to do so.

BFIN will not be liable to you for any database failure to perform its obligations if the delay or failure is caused by circumstances caused by anyone other than a bitss worker working on your system. Bitss will backup all databases before working on them; if clients refuse, the client needs to back this up and ensure they have a copy to restore the system once an intrusion or cyber breach has been fought off. Protect your data by copying it to a secured offline server under lock and key. Bitss can back your database up to a Bitss server; this is another service, and you can contact Bfin Sasu via the website contact pages of Bitss. Noting backups is your responsibility, as you are the legal owner of Bitss and your data. All backups and retention of records must be kept by you, as Bitss will not backup your information unless you have a contract with Bfin Sasu to do so.

During our work, we may collect certain documents and other information relevant to your company and you, including company registration and other details. Upon termination of the bitss service, we will return any original document to you if requested. Furthermore, unless you tell us not to, we intend to destroy all correspondence, your bitss codes, and other papers that we store to ensure your security outside the bitss cyber system

M. Disclaimer

We will not be liable for any loss suffered by you or any third party as a result of our compliance with the Anti Money Laundering Legislation or any country law or any security law.

N. Third parties

All accounts, their security procedures, codes, statements, reports, and advice prepared or given by our expert members are for your exclusive use within your business or to meet specific statutory responsibilities. They should not be shown to any other party without our prior consent. No third party shall acquire any rights to our agreement to provide professional services.

O.The availability of the BFIN service

BFIN bitss are available to all on the condition they are from a legitimate person or company.

Clients must provide the information asked; this will be verified, and if not possible, clients will not have access to BitSecure.

Bitss service will operate continuously or without interruption, be error-free, and accept no liability for its unavailability due to circumstances beyond our control, such as wifi cuts, electricity cuts, or other

BFIN may, for operational reasons, change the technical specification of the service for ultimate cyber protection and will inform you about the change, not before.

P. Privacy policy, security, our conditions, and applicable law

We do not ever give your information to anyone. All your data and online data is for your use and in total security & privacy.

We use your details to list you as a client internally, not externally, and to interact with you through a newsletter, email updates, and invoicing only. We will probably ask you to send us proof of ID, registration, & address to protect you and your data, as access changes asked for require a security check. If we do, please be patient, as this is for your protection.
You must protect your access code to your databases and make your staff sign a confidentiality disclosure regulation agreement. We do not view your code and are unable to send it if you call. You need to use the lost password system.
Our conditions are binding for clients using our bitss anywhere. Using our Bitss cyber security software is to protect users, not allow users to misuse it, and block users that do so.
Therefore, these terms and conditions are governed by and construed by universal international law. The French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim, dispute, or difference concerning these terms and conditions and any matters arising from them.